Kaput Rat, Mouse, and Vole Bait

The Best Vole Poison Bait

Kaput Rat, Mouse and Vole Bait  is labeled for vole control in all states, and is the least toxic rodenticide bait on the market to non-target animals and does not pose a threat to birds of prey.  For the most efficient, effective and safest application ot the bait, we recommend purchasing our Vole Control Bait Station System

The vole bait comes in convenient 2 ounce packets.   We recommend using 3 tablespoons of bait in each Vole Control Bait Station. Approximately 12 ounces will control one Hotspot of vole activity. 

Kaput® Rat, Mouse & Vole Bait (EPA Reg. No. 72500-06) is an anticoagulant rodenticide with 0.025% Warfarin. Rodents are more susceptible to warfarin, the active ingredient in Kaput® Rat, Mouse & Vole Bait than other mammals.

The Kaput® Vole Bait is made up of eight grains that are palatable and easy to manipulate by voles. Acceptance of the grains is better than pelleted baits and its efficacy is 94.7%. It contains a special attractant so even the pickiest vole will find the bait attractive.

Voles will begin to die 4 to 5 days after feeding begins so bait shyness is not a problem.

Click here for more information about Kaput Vole Bait and toxicity concerns.

PDF icon Kaput Rat. Mouse, and Vole Bait Product Label

PDF icon Kaput Rat, Mouse, and Vole Bait MSDS

Click Here to Learn Why the Vole Control Bait Station System is the Best Application Method for the Kaput Vole Bait.

 FREE SHIPPING! (contiguous US only)*

*Alaska and Hawaii and US Territories - call us to discuss shipping options.
NEW California regulations prevent sales of bait to this state
Sorry, We DO NOT ship to other countries including Canada.



Choose from 32, 60, 120 or 150 Packet Pails